About Me


My name?

DOGMAN! Evil will feel the bite the Dogman, and good men and women will get wagged for. Because everybody love to be wagged at!

My name is Jim Diesel. And I'm DOGMAN!


There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

And I'm afraid. Very afraid.

With the truth about the corruption in the world exposed by wikileaks, we are once again reminded how fragile democraty can be. The goverments paranoia is not a new thing, we still remember the cold war and 9/11, major events that drew the govements into fear. In their paranoia they would sacrifice the rights of their citizens, the principles of democracy, all to somehow build something of an illusion of security to justify their own attack on their own society.

We are under siege again. This time the enemy of the free world is the truth. Be afraid. Very afraid.